A growing community  

When we launched our Next Steps programme in 2021, we knew that we needed to provide more than just financial support. In order to succeed young people also need access to opportunities, role models and professional networks. Our programme aims to foster a diverse community where young people feel empowered, supported and inspired to achieve their full potential – ultimately improving their social mobility – and this year, we’re excited to welcome another 19 students to the programme, with 14 being awarded bursaries.  

Amongst our new cohort we have Jasmine, continuing childcare studies at Brighton Aldridge Community Academy College, who’ll use the financial award “for more resources for activities within my nursery career, travelling to work and future training opportunities.” and Amira, heading to UCL to study Applied Medical Sciences who said: “Joining the Next Steps Bursary programme is so much more than the financial aid alone. I am being welcomed into a community where indispensable support and guidance is right at my fingertips. Building my network will be extremely beneficial to me and with the help of my mentor, I am excited to form new connections and increase my confidence. I’m looking forward to creating a relationship with my mentor who’ll be able to give me a different perspective on potential career pathways and possibilities for the future. I can’t wait to begin this journey.” 

The Power of Mentorship 

Alongside regular pastoral check-ins with the Aldridge Foundation team, access to Aldridge Connect – our community page on LinkedIn where we share career related resources and internship, job and training opportunities – we also match each student with a mentor. Coming from various personal and professional backgrounds, our mentors offer invaluable insights, different perspectives, guidance and encouragement to help our students navigate the complexities of university life, find their feet in their first job, build essential employability skills, and set a clear path toward their career aspirations. 

We are delighted that our first corporate mentoring partner, Willis Towers Watson, is now being joined by BIE Executive adding a further 18 mentors to our growing body of volunteer professionals, enabling us to give even more young people the support to have a more equal chance at life. Gordon Whyte, CEO of BIE Executive says: “We are incredibly pleased to support the Aldridge Foundation alongside our other charity partner, Drive Forward Foundation. For us, our ability to support early career social mobility is a chance for BIE to link diversity of lived experience to really making a difference in the world of corporate ED&I.” 

About the Next Steps Bursary programme 

We believe that every young person deserves the chance to learn from the best, grow in confidence, and pursue their dreams with unwavering support. As our network grows, and thanks to our corporate partners Willis Towers Watson and BIE, we look forward to enhancing the support we provide, including:  

– 1-1 mentoring and coaching: tailored support to help young people set and achieve goals that move them closer to the career they aspire to.  

– Workshops and masterclasses: a series of interactive workshops to help students develop their skills and prepare for the world of work. These sessions will cover a range of topics including career planning, industry insights and personal development.  

– Networking events: virtual and in-person events where students can connect with professionals and each other, forging relationships that can last a lifetime. 

“The Aldridge Next Steps Bursary programme is transformative, providing essential financial support, mentorship, and career guidance. This programme has already enabled our students to reach amazing destinations, empowering them to pursue their ambitions with greater assurance. The bursary will undoubtedly open new doors and present opportunities that might have otherwise been out of reach. We are immensely grateful to the Aldridge Foundation for their continued dedication to supporting and uplifting our students.” – Tom Misenti, Head of BACA College 

It is a joy to be working with such talented young people and we look forward to seeing our new Aldridge Scholars thrive within the programme.  

If you or your business are interested in mentoring, delivering a workshop or donating so that we can support even more young people to flourish and achieve their dreams, please email jennifer.aldridge@aldridgefoundation.com